Universal Fibers Cognac in fall_small2

Thrive® matter 





A relationship built to last

Over the years, Universal Fibers® has revolutionized many innovations in fiber – but true revolution happens one partner at a time. We understand how to create beautiful, inspiring materials, but you understand your customers and the unique requirements they may need for specifying.

In the spirit of true partnership and transparency, we have put together a "fiber guide" with digital resources, product, and company information to help you succeed while pitching products with our fiber.

Thrive® matter
Thrive® matter

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Everything you should know about the world's only carbon negative nylon fiber.

Thrive® matter by Universal Fibers®

As global demand in the marketplace grows for design and construction products to help support corporate commitments to environmental sustainability and eco-goals. Universal Fibers answers with Thrive® matter.


Available in both Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6, Thrive matter stands alone as the most environmentally conscious solution-dyed, high-performance nylon fiber in the World. Featuring a carbon footprint that raises the bar by creating a carbon impact that goes beyond zero, Thrive matter is the first nylon fiber to achieve carbon negative.




  • Average MR < 2.0
  • 100% solution-dyed color
  • Lowest CO2 emission
  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • Third-Party Certified Environmental Product Declaration
  • High bulk, lightweight coverage
  • Excellent appearance retention & ease of maintenance
  • Independent GreenCircle® Certification
  • 100% post-industrial recycled resin-
  • for a total of 90% recycled content
  • 100% Recyclable
  • Adding value to projects in varying Green Rating Systems


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How did we do it?

Universal Fibers has continuously reduced embodied carbon (from materials) by at least 10% each year since 2016, focusing on efficiency projects, both large and small to move the needle. Smart sourcing of ingredients and consistent impact measuring of all our processes allow us to focus on carbon reduction opportunities. Universal Fibers' Thrive matter product has the lowest carbon footprint in the industry with third-party certified Embodied Carbon verification through GreenCircle Certification and a third-party certified industry EPD through UL, certified with only 1.19kg/CO2 for Nylon 6 (which is 88% lower than virgin nylon 6 fiber), and only 2.28kg/CO2 for Nylon 6,6.


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NA Thrive matter 66 page


Why Carbon?

What is carbon-negative?

Carbon negative means removing CO2 from the atmosphere or sequestering more CO2 than is emitted. This is a very ambitious goal.


Why target carbon-negative?

Carbon negative status means we have not only already achieved this goal but have gone significantly further, clearly demonstrating our determination to be a market leader in sustainable, climate-friendly products.

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Lowest Carbon

  + Positive Benefit

Carpets made with Thrive® matter offset CO2 emissions nearly three times more than carpets made with virgin SD nylon.

The following examples assume annual production of 100,000 sq meters (fiber weight, 600g per sq meter):

tree offset

1 Carbon benefit of Thrive® matter

Thrive® matter carpet fiber delivers the lowest product to CO2 ratio in the industry – 1:1.2.  Industry average, 1:10 (virgin solution-dyed nylon).

commute offset

2 Carbon benefit by using Thrive® matter 

Thrive® matter carpet fiber delivers the lowest product to CO2 ratio in the industry – 1:1.2. Industry average, 1:10 (virgin solution-dyed nylon).

Certifying Verifications

Universal Fibers® believes transparency begins with providing our customers the information they need to be successful and sustainable. Since 2016, Universal Fibers has invested in third party green labeling systems to help our customers win in the market with validated transparency facts and environmental  information from GreenCircle Certified® labeling systems.  



Currently Universal Fibers holds GreenCircle Recycled Content certificates and Embodied Carbon Verification certificates on all Thrive® matter products for both Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6.

Features & benefits

What makes our products and processes different

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Efforts that make a Climate Positive Difference

Carbon Takeback

Universal Fibers® has partnered with accredited third parties to have all Thrive® matter products offset beyond 0.0KG C02/Eq to create the world's first carbon negative nylon.  This Carbon Takeback Program uses the life cycle assessment data (LCA) of a product (in this case, Thrive® matter) to determine the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a product's entire life cycle.  GHG emissions that can't be reduced or eliminated from the product lifecycle organically, are "neutralized" with third-party validated carbon offset projects.

How it works...

Thrive® matter is third-party certified with 1.19 KG embodied carbon emissions / 1 KG yarn production (example for N6, 2.28kg CO2 for Nylon 6,6)– Industry's lowest carbon footprint in any nylon fiber.  Our accredited third-party allow us to remove this low-carbon-footprint to below 0.0 KG via regionally impactful carbon takeback projects - to create the first carbon negative nylon fiber. Universal Fibers® is making a direct investment in the transition to a low-carbon economy with Thrive® matter. 

Carbon Projects

Universal Fibers® has invested in carbon takeback projects that support our EnLIST® areas for positive impact.  Each of these projects are certified with internationally recognized standards, and have passed strict criteria that assure the varying global emission standards for reduction takeback schemes are being followed. 


Example to one of our carbon projects is the Russas Valparaiso Conservation:


Our carbon reduction journey continues...

Universal Fibers® has continuously reduced embodied carbon (from materials) by at least 10% each year since 2016, focusing on efficiency projects, both large and small to move the needle. In 2024, these efficiency projects alone will not get us to net zero* this year.  We have identified additional projects that focus on embodied carbon reductions for the next 5, 10, and 15 years - as we continue to reduce our carbon footprint organically. 

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Available offset certificates for projects


Universal Fibers offers certificates for verified projects using Thrive® matter.  Third party certified carbon credits are verified and allocated toward your project with a carbon offsets certificate recognizing your client, and the project product using Thrive® matter.



Carbon Offset Cert 8.29.2022 (1)-1


C2C Certified  Material Health Certificates™

c2c material health



Thrive® matter nylon 6 fiber has both gold and silver C2C Certified Material Health Certificates™ third-party verified by the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute

These certificates meet the institute’s rigorous new Version 4.0 standard - Universal Fibers' Thrive matter is the first fiber of it's kind to meet this new version. 

As described in the Cradle to Cradle Certified® (C2C Certified®) Product Standard Version 4.0, Material Health certification indicates that “Chemicals and materials used in the product are selected to prioritize the protection of human health and the environment, generating a positive impact on the quality of materials available for future use and cycling.”


Thrive® matter nylon 6 has Certified all 154 colors of our Prestiva color line with Material Health Certificates:

Thrive® matter nylon 6 - gold is available in 14 colors

Thrive® matter nylon 6 - silver is available in 140 colors




We see sustainability as not just an initiative but an intrinsic value within Universal Fibers®. Our mission is to create products, processes, and transparency tools that enrich and inspire our industry and protect our planet without sacrificing one for the other.


Green rating advantages with Universal Fibers®

Download our Green Rating Guide

Universal Fibers products align with a variety of environmental initiatives including LEED® v3, LEED v4, Living Building Challenge®, WELL Building Standard®, Green Gloves®, BREEAM® and the 2030 Challenge for Products. 

Universal Fibers can contribute to green rating projects through efficiencies in manufacturing and by reducing Water, Energy, and Waste through our production processes.  

Material aspects of Universal Fibers® products, such as Prisma® can add value to green rating projects by contributing to “Material Ingredients Transparency”, obtaining our Corporate Sustainability Report (CSR), and by our sourcing of “Regional Materials” through our supply chain.

Social Responsibility is not only something we care about, but also something that eco-rating systems value. Our Code of Conduct can contribute one full point to a LEED® v4 project.


Download our "Beyond Thrive® matter" green rating guide for reference.


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Simple elevator pitch

Who is Universal Fibers?

Universal Fibers® is best known for innovating high-performance, sustainable fibers that are found in almost any beautiful design space across many different industry segments around the world. They have been creating for more than 50 years. There is an extremely high chance that you’ve come into contact with their products in everyday places such as in vehicles, retail spaces or in restaurants.

People know them best for the quality, color, and durability of their products; and their sustainable production processes and ingredients that support green building initiatives and the planet.


Company Profile Brochure

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Want to learn more about Universal Fibers®

or Thrive® matter? 


For additional information to help you sell or for assistance, contact us by EMAIL HERE, or fill out this form for assistance:


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